Mission Statement

      Our Drive.

      We actively create the future of decentralized energy with powerful, resource-saving solutions.

      Our highly efficient power plants for combined generation of heat and power, as well as our levels of service are applauded all over the world have set new standards in our industry.

      We create lasting value for our customers and stockholders by actively improving environmental conditions for a better future. The successful growth and positive image of our group of companies is our common achievement, and the result of a close and trusting relationships with our customers.

      Our success is based on four principles that we passionately live out every day: Innovation, Reliability, Efficiency and Transparency.



      Our development is driven by the pleasure and power to innovate. These motivate us as a company and every individual in it.

      Sustainable growth is driven by new ideas. That’s why we, right from the start, implemented a culture of ideas, where existing concepts can be challenged, where good solutions can be improved, and everyone’s ideas and suggestions are welcome.

      We develop ideas into innovative, marketable products and services that strengthen our position as an industry leader. We focus on generating outstanding benefits for our customers, especially in the area of improving the technical and economic efficiency of our systems and services.



      We say what we think and do what we say. Reliability and committed actions are the base for long-term customer relationships. Our business partners, stockholders and employees expect us to live up to our word, and we don’t disappoint. Authenticity, values, fairness and reliability are the pillars of the 2G spirit and strengthen our team collaboration.

      Reliability is also key for our technical solutions and is reflected in our exemplary system availability and outstanding service.



      The careful handling our resources is one of our highest priorities, and reflects in our actions.

      For us, efficiency stands for highest profitability and effectiveness. This means we continuously optimize our technical solutions, as well as internal processes.

      We offer our customers leading efficiencies, long product lifetime and the highest availability, as well as affordable service costs. We reduce fuel consumption and with it CO2 emissions to make a valuable contribution to environmental protection. In addition, the efficiency of our processes and structures as well as the sustainable management of our workforce and knowhow ensure the growing success of our company.



      Comprehensive transparency builds trust and security. This makes us a valuable partner. When collaborating with customers and co-workers, we rely on clear, transparent structures and comprehensible decisions. 

      On the technical side, an innovative monitoring systems ensures complete documentation of all system parameters for installed systems worldwide. It guarantees highest system availability of the 2G CHP plants, and builds the base for further technical and economical optimization of the systems.

      Mission Statement