Many universities supply energy to dozens or even hundreds of buildings from central power and heating plants. This is an exceptional opportunity for CHP. The central heating plant usually supplies medium- and high-pressure steam for space heating, laundry and sometimes food service and laboratory operations. In some cases, the university is also affiliated with healthcare facilities, which have additional requirements for steam and hot water. The university often also supplies chilled water for chillers and other purposes.

    In most cases, the demand for electric power, heat and chilled water is year-round, 24 hours a day. As a result, the heat captured from power generation can be fully utilized. 

    Benefits of CHP at Universities:

    • Reduce Energy Costs
    • Offset Capital Costs
    • Protection of Revenue Streams
    • Resiliency
    • Sustainability
    Save Money

    Save Money.

    Increase Reliability

    Increase Reliability.

    Be Sustainable

    Be Sustainable. 

    Case Studies

    Texas Wesleyan University

    Texas Wesleyan University - Fort Worth, TX

    Download Project Profile

    Texas Wesleyan University launched a $6.2 Million energy-saving project in 2015. The centerpiece of this project is 2G Energy's avus 800, a CHP that provides power to much of the campus spanning 83 acres.