One of the biggest challenges for the pharmaceutical industry is implementing highly-reliable energy solutions at their research and manufacturing facilities that not only support sustainability goals, but also improve competitiveness by reducing costs, reducing energy price volatility, and providing other value-added benefits to the manufacturing process. This is where CHP comes in. CHP plants produce both electricity and thermal energy simultaneously, which can be used for heating, cooling, and for the production of high-pressure, process steam.  CHP technology is currently experiencing a revival in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities because of the operational benefits it can provide, as well as its mitigation of energy price volatility and greenhouse gas emissions.

    Benefits of CHP in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities include:

    • operational benefits
    • mitigation of energy price volatility
    • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
    • increase in reliability and sustainability of operations

    Case Studies

    Pharmaceutical Site in Manati
    Pharmaceutical Company - Manatí, Puerto Rico

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    This site, residing in Manatí, Puerto Rico, is utilizing (2x) avus 1,000b units with an output of 1142 kW each. They include the 2G Master PLC (MPLC) for load sharing and future control capabilities for optimum efficiency and resiliency. These systems utilize LNG as fuel, eliminating the need for diesel, and reducing the company's carbon footprint. 


    Pharmaceutical site in Caguas

    Pharmaceutical Company - Caguas, Puerto Rico

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    This site, residing in Caguas, Puerto Rico utilizes (3x) of 2G Energy's avus 1000b's, with an output of 3400 kWe. Using LNG as a fuel eliminates the need to burn diesel, reducing the company's carbon footprint.

    These three systems are designed for 24/7 operation with an electrical and thermal efficiency of >90%.




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