Energy is needed at every stage of the brewing process. Combined Heat And Power (CHP) or, the re-use of the waste heat, is especially well-suited for breweries. ​​The heat can be directly applied toward heating a boiling wort, and the electricity is utilized in every other phase of the brewing process. Breweries use particularly large amounts of energy because many steps in the brewing process involve heating or cooling; Kiln-drying and roasting the malt, Heating the mash, Boiling hops, Rapid cooling and refrigeration or cold storage.

    Benefits of CHP for Breweries:

    • Higher efficiency
    • Lower operating costs
    • Reduction of emissions
    • Increased Reliability

    Case Studies

    Matt Brewing Company

    Matt Brewing Company - Utica, NY

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    The brewing process creates wastewater from cleaning out brewing vessels and aging vats daily. The wastewater is saturated with organic materials, which are broken down by bacteria in the digestion process. The system treats an average of 150,000 gallons of water each day, or 50 million gallons per year, generating up to 400 kW/h of electricity and 474 kW thermal energy used by the brewery.

    Yuengling - Pottsville

    Yuengling - Pottsville, PA

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    The world famous brewery uses the heat generated by the CHP to heat the brewery's pasteurization process. That allows Yuengling to save significant amounts of energy and money. The methane gas is generated at the Yuengling brewery wastewater treatment plant and an anaerobic digester. The CHP system has been designed as dual fuel module and can be operated on low BTU biogas, as well as pipeline quality natural gas. 



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